China wholesale Carbon Arrows - YLMGO Carbon Arrows Components Nock Vanes Inserts – YILI

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

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Khōlo ea rona e itšetlehile ka mechine e phahameng, litalenta tse ikhethang le matla a theknoloji a matlafalitsoeng ka mokhoa o tsitsitseng bakeng saLebotho la Lebōpo la Lebōpo,Letlapa la Fiber ea Carbon,Likotoana tse 2 tsa Carbon Sup Paddle, Re tla amohela ka pelo eohle bareki bohle nakong ea indasteri ka bobeli ba lapeng la hau le mose ho maoatle ho sebelisana ka matsoho, le ho aha bokhoni bo khanyang hammoho.
China wholesale Carbon Arrows - YLMGO Carbon Arrows Components Point Nock Vanes Inserts – YILI Detail:


Lintho tse bonahalang Nylon, aluminium, tšepe e sa hloekang
Lipapali Metsu
li-vanes E khubelu, e ntšo, e putsoa, ​​​​'mala o motala
nock G nock, pin nock,
kenya Sutu bakeng sa,6.2,7.2 motsu shaft
Kantle Sutu bakeng sa,6.2,7.2 motsu shaft
Ntlha Tšepe, tšepe e sa hloekang, aluminium

Likarolo le lits'ebetso

Vane ea rona e be bonolo ho e sebelisa ho metsu 'me e entsoe ho thusa metsu ho fofa joalo ka dart, ho eketsa ho nepahala ha marang-rang.Ho kenya le ho tsoa ha rona ho entsoe ka aluminium ea boleng bo holimo le tšepe e sa hloekang.


Li-vane tsa rona tsa metsu, tse kenyang, kantle le ntlha kaofela li entsoe ka thepa ea boleng bo holimo. Ha re fane feela ka shaft ea motsu empa tharollo e felletseng mabapi le ho fula, shaft, likaroloana, khatiso, ho hlahloba, ho kopanya, ho paka joalo-joalo.


Vane le nock ea rona e entsoe ka thepa e tšoarellang empa e tenyetseha e hoeshetsang ha e fofa.
Lintho tsa rona tse kenang le tse ka ntle li entsoe ka tšepe ea boleng bo phahameng, e kang aluminium le tšepe e sa hloekang.

Delivery, shiping

Re fana ka lisebelisoa tse fapaneng tsa metsu. Hore na o batla ho hlophisa lisebelisoa tsa hau tsa ho fula kapa ho bona se tlang se kenyellelitsoe le theko e tloaelehileng, u fihlile sebakeng se nepahetseng.


P: U fana ka lisebelisoa life?
A: Nock, vanes, kenya, ka ntle, lintlha.
P: Na u fana ka metsu e felletseng empa eseng shaft?
A: E, re fana ka metsu e felletseng hape.
P: U sebelisa k'hamphani efe ea Express?
A: DHL, Fedex, UPS

Litšoantšo tsa lintlha tsa sehlahisoa:

China wholesale Carbon Arrows - YLMGO Carbon Arrows Components Points Nock Vanes Inserts – YILI details pictures

China wholesale Carbon Arrows - YLMGO Carbon Arrows Components Points Nock Vanes Inserts – YILI details pictures

China wholesale Carbon Arrows - YLMGO Carbon Arrows Components Points Nock Vanes Inserts – YILI details pictures

China wholesale Carbon Arrows - YLMGO Carbon Arrows Components Points Nock Vanes Inserts – YILI details pictures

China wholesale Carbon Arrows - YLMGO Carbon Arrows Components Points Nock Vanes Inserts – YILI details pictures

China wholesale Carbon Arrows - YLMGO Carbon Arrows Components Points Nock Vanes Inserts – YILI details pictures

China wholesale Carbon Arrows - YLMGO Carbon Arrows Components Points Nock Vanes Inserts – YILI details pictures

China wholesale Carbon Arrows - YLMGO Carbon Arrows Components Points Nock Vanes Inserts – YILI details pictures

China wholesale Carbon Arrows - YLMGO Carbon Arrows Components Points Nock Vanes Inserts – YILI details pictures

China wholesale Carbon Arrows - YLMGO Carbon Arrows Components Points Nock Vanes Inserts – YILI details pictures

China wholesale Carbon Arrows - YLMGO Carbon Arrows Components Points Nock Vanes Inserts – YILI details pictures

China wholesale Carbon Arrows - YLMGO Carbon Arrows Components Points Nock Vanes Inserts – YILI details pictures

Tataiso e Amanang ea Sehlahisoa:

Senotlolo sa katleho ea rona ke "Sehlahisoa se Molemo kapa tšebeletso ea boleng bo phahameng, sekhahla se loketseng le tšebeletso e sebetsang hantle" bakeng sa China wholesale Carbon Arrows - YLMGO Carbon Arrows Components Point Nock Vanes Inserts - YILI, Sehlahisoa se tla fana ka thepa lefatšeng ka bophara, joalo ka: Puerto Rico, Angola, United Arab Emirates, Ha e le hantle, ho hlokahala hore e 'ngoe ea lintho tseo e be tse thahasellisang ho uena, etsa bonnete ba hore u re lumella ho tseba. Re tla thabela ho u fa khotheishene ha re fumana lintlha tse felletseng tsa motho. Re na le lienjineri tsa rona tsa litsebi tsa R&D ho fihlela litlhokahalo life kapa life, Re labalabela ho fumana lipotso tsa hau haufinyane 'me re tšepa ho ba le monyetla oa ho sebetsa le uena nakong e tlang. Rea u amohela ho sheba mokhatlo oa rona.
  • Lihlahisoa tsa k'hamphani li ka finyella litlhoko tsa rona tse fapaneng, 'me theko e theko e tlaase, ea bohlokoa ka ho fetisisa ke hore boleng le bona bo monate haholo.
    5 LinaleliKa Chris Fountas ho tsoa Iseraele - 2017.11.12 12:31
    Ka mor'a ho saena konteraka, re ile ra fumana thepa e khotsofatsang ka nako e khutšoanyane, sena ke moetsi ea babatsehang.
    5 LinaleliKa Beulah ho tsoa Ecuador - 2018.11.28 16:25